Protect yourself and your firm from infected email links, files and webpages.
Your antivirus doesn't stop them all.
Don't lose money and clients!
Thieves use email links and attachments to steal your files.

Small firms like yours need to avoid the lost hours and hassles caused by hackers. You are busy enough already!
CrimeBlocker detects and blocks the primary cause of ransomware attacks:
Clicks on links, attachments & webpages that connect your computer to theirs.
Hackers Target Small Firms
Some attorneys say:
"We are too small a target. Hackers won't bother with us."
In fact, firms of all sizes are targets.
These small firms made headlines when hit by ransomware hackers:
-- Hamilton and Naumes, a two-attorney firm in Oregon, was attacked by the Maze ransomware group which notoriously targets the legal profession.
-- Warden Grier, a four-attorney firm in Kansas City, Missouri, paid a ransom for an attack in 2016. Then in 2018, a client sued the firm. The client stumbled upon their personally identifiable information leaked on the Deep Web by the ransom gang.
-- Now an eight-lawyer firm, the then eleven-lawyer firm of Baker Wotring of Houston, Texas experienced publication of all their files by hackers. They exposed law firm information including fee agreements and diaries from personal injury cases.
And these are just a few of the reported accounts. Small firms don't publicize their cybersecurity incidents. There are many, many more that are never reported.
Whitney, a small firm attorney, was distracted during a long conference call. Whitney opened an email attachment apparently from a client and unwittingly downloaded ransomware.
A few weeks later on a Saturday morning, Whitney discovered that the firm's files were encrypted. That brought the firm to standstill - all computers down.
To make matters worse, the ransom note said that the firm's client files would be made public on the deep web if the ransom was not paid.
It took their tech expert a week of long hours to clear all the computers, reinstall and configure all the software, and restore files from backups. In the meantime, the firm lost access to current case files, missed deadlines, and lost client trust. They were embarrassed when the hackers followed up on their threat by posting confidential documents on the deep web.
They didn't pay the ransom; however, the firm lost some important clients and over $100,000 in revenue and recovery expenses. Morale in the firm suffered. People were anxious about more cyber attacks and concerned about the firm's reputation and future.
What's it like to be attacked?
A Cautionary Story

How CrimeBlocker Works
CrimeBlocker closely monitors the links you click. Using a range of tests, it gauges the authenticity and riskiness of webpages requested by your clicks.
CrimeBlocker prevents you from actually opening risky pages. Instead, you receive a warning. Plus you may have the option to view an isolated copy of the risky page.
What CrimeBlocker Does for You...
Stays out of sight, letting you work, while CrimeBlocker constantly monitors your clicks.
Blocks and isolates threats missed by your antivirus software and firewall.
Inspects the behavior of attachments you open, preventing them from "phoning home."
Prevents infected webpages from dropping downloads on your computer.
Stops threats before they have a chance to touch your computer files.

What Is Your Plan B?
What Happens When Your Antivirus Fails?
Ransomware with file-stealing attacks are succeeding every single day.
Yet the victims already have antivirus software. What is your Plan B if your antivirus fails?
Large Firm Protection at an
Affordable, Small Firm Price
A CrimeBlocker subscription gives you the peace of mind that your firm is protected 24/7.
Your protection will be as good or better than what the large firms have.
Why Is CrimeBlocker So Affordable?
Volume Purchasing - We serve many small firms so we can purchase in large quantities.
CrimeBlocker makes extensive use of artificial intelligence to identify discrepancies in phony links and webpages.
CrimeBlocker has extremely low customer support costs due to their highly effective and automated handling of threats.

Get CrimeBlocker today for
$5 or less per month per person!