Restore your computer in the cloud
A sudden computer failure can ruin your whole day, your whole week. It doesn't have to be so bad.

Understanding Cloud Backup of Your Computer
A sudden computer failure stops your work immediately. Replacing your computer can take days. Then all your software and settings need to be installed and configured. That means more delays.
You can be back up and working much, much faster. A cloud backup service protects your files. The right one could also restore your entire computer on a private cloud server. So you can get back to work from any computer anywhere.
With an advanced cloud backup service, you can ensure that you have a reliable, available safety net.
When would you need restore your computer in the cloud?
Computers fail. Their components malfunction. Electrical spikes can zap them. Microsoft Windows can crash with no chance for recovery. Viruses can strike. Not to mention fires, lightning, storms, floods, earthquakes and theft that put your computer irrecoverably out of action.
You can take two important steps to get back to normal:
Start the process of getting a replacement computer. That can take days and then there is reinstalling everything you need on it, so get that process started.. You really can't appreciate how long that takes and how disrupting it is unless you have experienced it.
With the right backup service, you can have the entire contents of your computer restored in the cloud. Start that by contacting your backup service provider.
The good news in a computer crisis is that your insurance may cover the loss. With a cloud backup and restore service, you can have your own "loaner car" equivalent of your computer. But that needs to be set up ahead of time.
Setting Up Your Cloud Backup Service
Your backup service provider can do the heavy lifting. They will configure your backups to restore to a cloud server. Essentials for your backups include:
Drive image backup
Automatic nightly incremental backups
Backup format compatible with the cloud server
A standby cloud account with a virtual machine
Most backup services protect only your files, not your entire computer. And most full drive image backups are only set up to restore to a physical computer, not to the cloud. To get back up and running as soon as possible, ask for a setup that restores your computer to the cloud.
With the rapid development of cloud computing, you can now rent a decent cloud computer for a few dollars per day. Pay only a low monthly standby fee for the option. When you need it, pay the daily rate for just the days you use. The trick is to be ready in advance for a computer emergency.
Let us know if you are interested in your own "loaner car" cloud computer option.